Daily Inspiration #560099: Just Fucking Kill Yourself

Sure, teleportation of data between entangled particles might be possible across vast distances, rendering old signal connections obsolete, the way dolphins make porpoises not matter, but we have to accept the fact that at the very same time, and perhaps for the very same reason, one twin and her twin can simultaneously go blind from an identical mastoid degeneration of the face and its muscles, without prior notice and it's all a part of the contract you didn't need to sign because you signed another one that said you signed them all.

Whats the connection here?

Well, don't you get it?

The connection is that we don't need connections anymore. We've entered the stage in history when nothing is connected to anything at all, but it all still works because who gives a shit, and that's the final connection!

We have established a more perfect union by disentangling everything -- by entangling some bullshit particles and letting two teenage girls go blind hypothetically!

Yes! God rears his ugly head and swooshes his woolly mane through your breakfast cereal and says, "Look at those cheerios! Are they not separate? They are! Are they not each their own hollow oats? They are! Like you? Yes! And you? No! Yes, and they are also one, a whole connected by nothing! Fantastic! That is, that whole bowl is a whole hole filled with whole holes making a holey Holy whole, merry fucking Christmas and to all a good night!"

Thanks God, you might say, but now my milk is all hairy from your beard, and hey, speaking of milk, doesn't all this dairy connect my oats in a way?

"Who the fuck are you goddamn kidding? Shut your fucking mouth," God will say, "Are you trying to poke a fucking hole in my hole theory? This only strengthens my resolve. Now comb the tufts of wisdom from my beard and see if you can lick off a little dignity."
