Daily Inspirational #2.034: How To Imagine Yourself

Today, picture yourself as horse meat. Imagine that you are flesh connected to bone via a variety of tissues. Imagine that your friends are other muscles.

Imagine your life bounding across a rocky plain. Imagine it astride other lives. Your horse-life is galloping and you are in part making it happen by pulling a bone or two this way and that.

Now picture the meat-you-horsey growing technical apparatuses. Imagine cables with wi-fi capabilities giving new information to the plants and the rocks.

Your life runs around, with you as a meager part of it, in search of sustenance while it electronically communicates with things that don't matter to you!

The moral for today is that you cannot be a horse or any part of it.
Lucky numbers: 13, 45.67777, 0.99999....(1), 0.you.not.being.a.horse.at.all.loser
