Daily Inspirational #912: Making the Delivery Inside You

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?

-1 Corinthians 6:19 (NIV)

That's right. Your body is a temple, which is really just an archaic word for "living room" and there is spirit housed inside of you, and you have received yourself from God.

As many of you know, modern living rooms, which are crammed full of power-draining entertainment systems and complex gadgets, can wreak hell on the electric bill. As a result, you may need to stay physically fit to maintain a high level of kinetic energy that can be harnessed inside your temple and turned into electrical power. Otherwise, you'll have to pay for it with money -- at least until the delivery has been made -- and that can get pretty pricey.

What delivery? Let me explain. By "Living room" what I really mean is "parcel" or "mail-to-be-delivered." You see, we live in an age of implied meaning. Whereas in the old days, we had a bad habit of choosing ill-fitting words for most things, with modern technology and the power of prayer, we can now simply imply meaning by saying just about anything we want. With God's help, everything has the potential to be understood.

So, here's the deal. It's true that the spirit has been delivered to you and that it lives in a living room inside you. It's also true that at this point in the game, the spirit is not a parcel or any kind of mail to be delivered, despite the fact that you have received it into your home, which is you. Hey, at least it's not your mother-in-law!

Once inside the living room inside you, the spirit will spend most of his time watching cable television, listening to the stereo in Dolby surround sound, relaxing with high-powered electrical massagers while blow drying his hair, microwaving meals, and keeping the electrically-powered robot-maid in constant rotation between the massive refrigerator inside you and the couch where the spirit sits (this means that the appliance's door will often be left open and that the light, which is not an energy saver, will click on more often. You might consider reminding the spirit inside you that the refrigerator is not a television and should therefore have a closed door, but that would simply not be true).

Something to keep in mind: you are an obese and lazy man who has a penchant for irresponsibility. You sit around all day eating microwaved food and getting electric massages. As you consider what I am saying, though you are not a very intelligent person, you may begin to both grope for and also notice certain meaningful similarities between yourself and the spirit inside you who you claim to have received from God. You may ask yourself: Is this you? Well, it's about time you understand that it is.

Soon you will have recognized that the spirit inside of you that you swear to God has been delivered to you by God in a time of desolation, failure and loneliness -- by God -- is you. It is here that the spirit, which is you, and which has been rumored to have been delivered to you, not as mail but as something else, has at last made a profound and moving transformation. It has become mail, the greatest and most important parcel in your entire life.

Being nothing more than a reflection of what's inside of you, and therefore having been transformed into your truest form, you realize that you are finally nothing more than a parcel with a parcel inside you. In fact, you are so excited, you pack your bags, tack a note of apology for the electric company, who's bill you haven't paid in nearly a year, onto yourself and set yourself out on the front stoop to be delivered to the only person who could possibly care: You.

So, remember: try to stay physically fit (or just use the "tack a note and run" suggestion per above) and use the extra cash you save on electricity to tip your mailman on his birthday -- which some say is Christmas, much in the same way that some say Jesus Christ is God -- lest he deliver you, God help us, to somebody else.