Daily Inspirational #5 - Making Yourself Heard

Do you ever feel as if no one is listening? That no matter how hard you try, whatever you say falls deep into a well that only you know exists? We've all been there, and it is very frustrating.

But tell me friend, isn't this deep well made of flesh and cartilage? Take a closer look as you spew out demands and declarations -- aren't those "rocks" just tiny, square lobes?

You see, that deep fleshy well is actually your own ear, and if you want to truly make yourself heard -- you will have to flush those ears out as if you were rowing a kayak on white water rapids!

Most people do not know this, but the loudest part of the body is the ear. However, you will need to do two major things before your ears do the talking for you.

1. Build up your triceps: most likely, the weight of the things that you "haven't" said will be more than you can lift at the moment. If you stick to an exercise regimen, though, you will soon move your arms so quickly that you will appear to others as if a humming bird shooting semen from its wings.

2. Get teeth in your ears: People only listen to things with teeth. This is a fact. You may already have teeth in your mouth, but they will be far more effective in your deep fleshy wells. Knock the teeth out with a hammer and shove them in your ears.

Good luck -- and have fun finally being heard by real people.