Listen, if you care about why your bones are not entirely decimated by the small army of your childhood, then I will let you in on a well-hidden secret.
Listen: It is nothing but our childhood's foolish desire to control nature that has disallowed it from killing our bones. Look: the bottom line is, if they try to control the T-cell horsies, neither will ever get back to the bones because the T-Cells naturally gravitate toward bones. However, when they are controlled (by our childhood), this innate desire is erased!
In addition, the very fact that the tribal groups are controlling your cells is the reason that they are selling freedom for drugs -- which they are. If they were to only let the T-Cells guide them instead of using them in accordance with their Full Prescribing Information, they would be led immediately to the bones, the place they actually want to be -- the place you, your bones, your blood, your childhood, your T-cells and your newly acquired crack-cocaine (previously bought with Freedom Units) will learn to be a real family -- or else. Yet, so long as they look for it, they will never find it.
Lucky for you, this conundrum keeps you and your bones safe from harm. In fact, this ongoing process is why you have bones at all, or a body to put them in.